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 Capt.s Barb and Nathan Witherell 

Ready to do battle with these cats for a very satisfied customer           

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       Santee Cajun Guide Service started out 1996 when Boudreaux was working all over the world and I was fishing by myself. Some of the other guides on the lake suggested I get my captains license and take others fishing. Who knew at that time that in just these short years we would grow to a point that we would have to add a third boat. Boudreaux would get his Captian's license and we would both Guide fishermen full time. Now our son scott is joining the team! We are independent lake resident licensed guides. We do not work for any particular landing. We fish separately or as a team. We do not hunt, or fish other lakes and rivers in South Carolina, even though we could. We just concentrate on doing what we do best. Catching fish on the Santee Cooper Lake System.    

      We both grew up in Louisiana and have fished since before we could walk almost. I remember sitting on a coffee can between my fathers legs in a pirogue fishing the Bayous of South Louisiana .  Boudreaux and I even went fishing on Toledo Bend for our Honeymoon 47 years ago. We feel to be a successful fishing Guide, first you must have a passion for fishing. If you are enjoying the day so will your customers. We would rather fish than eat when we're hungry some people say! We have been fishing the lakes since the mid 80's and became lake residents in 1995. People ask us what we do to relax, well we take the  boat catch some shad and go catfishing. As guides, our day starts at 4:00 am and will not end until we have caught bait for the next day around 11:00 pm. You see to put these kind of hours in, you must have something else going other than just the pay.

   There's nothing like seeing someone, especally a young child catch their first big fish to say the least their first fish. 

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  Santee Cajun Guide Service is a first class charter service from our equipment right down to the preparation of your catch.

       A Charlotte Observer reporter once asked Capt. Barb why a female would have so many boats? She answered, a woman has to have her priorities and mine is fishing. Some women file their finger nails while I would just cut them and spend the time sharping hooks and tying leaders.

We are both Board Members of the Santee Cooper Country Guide Association



We are USCG Licenced Captians, fully insured, CPR and First Aid Certified.

Captain Barb no longer is just a 6 pack Captain but as of 12-18-10 now holds the Position of Master of 50 gross ton registered vessels #013003

Our son Scott has now recieved his Captains License and will begin helping us on week end parties. Running a third boat will be in the near future!

USCG LICENSE #'S 2531514, 2723961 and 0132032

Also Known in the Federal TWICK Database as Boudreaux and Mouse!

Call Santee Cajun Guide Service at 803-492-3381 0r 803-682-1111!
